Sunday, September 14, 2014

I'm baaaaack!

Holy crap!  Two months since I was last here.  I had a graduation and a new class starting at work.  Then we had a weeks vacation planned for Sept and I had a LOT to do to make sure everything could carry on while I was gone.  Heaven knows my boss has no idea what to do with most of the situations that are in my purview.  His job is mainly to go to meetings which my opinion is better him than me.  My job is to actually keep the program functional and help the students successfully complete on a day to day basis.

Regarding my goals which I have not forgotten about
1)  I have contacted every animal rescue type organization around here and unless I can volunteer for regular business hours or in SLC they don’t need me.  I’m sort of thinking that since there isn’t a rescue group in my county I would like to start one but I’m afraid that would require far more time than I have available plus I have no idea where to even begin.  

2)  I have improved on this one for sure but I still have room to improve.  Being on vaca has really thrown me off and I haven’t tracked or eaten very well but now it’s back to routine till Thanksgiving.  I had gotten a fitness tracker and it was really helping me, motivating me to work out more but then the stupid thing broke.  It just fell the fuck apart!  I hadn’t even had it a week.  They’re supposed to be replacing it but I haven’t rec’d the new one yet.  During the week that I had it I went over to the campus gym one afternoon and rode an exercycle for 30 min.  That night my BSL tested under 100 for the first time ever!  

I really feel like the fitness tracker helps me work naturally within my limitations.  With it I was able to relax and without struggle I was able to workout and significantly improve my BSL.  Perhaps by opening myself up to such things I can find other things to help me in similar ways.  Universe consider me open to suggestions!