Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Limitations vs Faults

Tracking my initial goals real quick
  1. Finding an animal related organization that I can volunteer with.
I did a search online for animal rescue groups in my area.  The Humane Society only needs volunteers during regular business hours and I work full time so I’m afraid that’s out.  The other big rescue group only advertises volunteering in the big city I live near.  It’s about 30-40 min away so it would be hard to go that far and volunteer for a couple of hours in the evening.  I filled out an info request and I’m waiting to hear back.  Hopeful that if they don’t have a group here in my area they can suggest someone who does.  If not maybe I need to start one.  
  1. Getting a good handle on diabetes. Track it better!  Eat better!
Just yesterday I started a Sparkpeople Diabetes Control Challenge.  I think it should help me get focused and stay on course.  I am doing better at tracking and taking my meds.  Pretty good at eating but a girl brought donuts to work today and I had one.  Gah!!  Damn the donuts and their delicious sprinkles.  

I’ve been thinking a lot about these goals and limitations.  A big part of this is not trying to force things and letting my true nature come out.  I don’t feel like any of the limitations that I wrote down last time are anything that I can work with or anything that could turn out to be a strength.  Mostly they are things that I need to stop doing so am I looking at this all wrong?  By trying to stop doing these things am I fighting against my true nature?  But if I don’t stop these things; no follow thru, procrastination and lack of impulse control - how am I ever going to improve and grow as a person?  But maybe these things are fundamental faults and not limitations.  I’m really confused and I feel like I’m doing this part wrong.  I wonder what the definition of each word is.

Limitation - something that limits one's freedom of action or choice - condition, restraint
Fault - a defect in character - shortcoming, weakness

Ok, so yes, the main points that I listed last time are faults and not limitations.  Limitations are things that limit my freedom of action or choice.  What things limit my choices?  My inability to function in the morning for sure.  Being bad at math limits my choices to some extent.  My fitness level is poor; I can’t run very far at all.  I can’t be out in the heat for very long or I get quite sick.

So I’m off to Google - What are my limitations in life?  The first thing I click on is Quotes about limitations. Most of them are nonsense but this one is good
“Your limitations are largely programming instilled by others that you choose to believe.”
Hmmmm, instilled by others?  What would those be?  

“Effort within the mind further limits the mind, because effort implies struggle towards a goal and when you have a goal, a purpose, an end in view, you have placed a limit on the mind.”
This confuses me more.  How can I identify and try to work with my limitations without effort within the mind?   I can’t have goals?  If not then what?  And who’s this Jeet Kune Do?

“Great sex is all about freedom and being everything you’ve always wanted to be. Know now that the only limits you have in regards to your own sexuality are the ones you impose on yourself.”
This one makes more sense to me.  I can relate to it.  When I was young I was super self conscious about how I looked naked, even tho I looked great!  I thought I was fat so during sex I was always aware of how was he seeing me, what position was I in, how much light was there, how well can he see me?  It was distracting and didn’t allow me to enjoy sex as much as I should have.  

It wasn’t until after about 15 years of marriage that I finally got comfortable with myself, my body and who I am that I could be naked with my husband in full light.  FIFTEEN YEARS!!!!  I let go of the limitations that I had put on myself and my sexualtiy and allowed myself to just relax and enjoy.  I was only able to let go when I accepted myself.  So how does that translate to my other limitations?  I’m not sure.

A lot of sites talking about limitations are discussing physical limitations after surgery or illness.  One woman says that after her surgery she was pushing herself to continue doing all that she had been doing before surgery and she just wasn’t able to keep up.  When she accepted that she wasn’t able to do everything she had done before and started working within those limitations she started healing quicker and feeling more energy.  

So if I look at this from that angle combined with ‘things that limit my choices’?  No surgery but just life in general -
  • If I don’t stay busy in the evening I just want to sleep.  
  • I am grumpy and groggy in the morning till about 11am.
  • I have a hard time going to bed before midnight.
  • My fitness level is poor; I can’t run very far at all.  
  • I can’t be out in the heat for very long or I get quite sick.
  • I need down time to be by myself - over socializing makes me bitchy
  • I have diabetes so I must be careful of what I eat.
  • I don’t have a lot of money so I be careful of what I spend.

That makes a lot more sense to me now.  These are the only things that come easily to mind but I’d say it’s enough to start.  So I should relax and accept that I have diabetes and cannot eat whatever I want.  I’m not rich and cannot spend whatever I want.  Etc, etc, etc.  I’ve never journaled before but this writing things down really helps me work thru my thoughts in a way that I can’t do when just randomly thinking.  Talking about it would most likely be effective too but no one is going to want to talk to me about this stuff.  Maybe a counselor but “I am not rich and cannot spend whatever I want”.  Anyone else would be bored out of their mind and beat me to death just to get me to shut it, so that’s not a good option.  I’ll stick with the blog/journal thing.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Limitations and Focus

The other part of Cottlestone Pie that I need to work on is, "What are my limitations and how can I best work with them".  First I need to identify my limitations.  This requires clear insight to who I am and that’s a hard thing to really be sure I have.  I like to think I do but….?  So, here I go
  1. I am not a morning person.  I mean really, really not a morning person.
  2. I am selfish sometimes.  Not always, I have done a lot for others but I do have a selfish streak.  I won’t pretend it isn’t there.
  3. No follow thru.  I am a world champ at starting things and quitting within a short time.  I swear that this Year of Tao is going to be different.  
  4. Procrastination.  This goes along with #3. It runs in the family but I think I am the worst about it.  
  5. I am really bad at math.  Again, reallly, really bad at math.
  6. Weak impulse control.  If I can resist an impulse for a short time I can get past it but I’m not always good at resisting.  

I think these are my main faults/limitations.  Now, how can I work with them?  How can I make them work for me?  

  1. I have already worked my life around this somewhat by maneuvering myself into a job that I don’t have to be at till a bit later in the day.  I think I can work with it and maybe even make it work for me a bit by not planning things for early morning.  I think accepting the fact that 6am spinning classes are not going to happen and instead work with it by doing stuff in the evening instead.  
  2. I don’t think it’s possible to make selfishness work for me so how can I best work with it?  Maybe again, I need to recognize this and examine the things I do, the decisions I make for this selfishness and make sure that I’m not letting it rule me.
  3. For 3,4 & 6 I don’t really think there’s any working with it.  I need to exercise some self control and discipline to put a stop to it.  Of course for someone with follow thru & impulse control problems, as well as major procrastination issues this is easier said than done.  I have tried this before, many times.  Perhaps my study of the Tao this year will help me reach these goals.  
  4. Contrary to what they tell you in school, you don’t really need math that often in life.  I mean I can balance the checking account and such so I honestly don’t see this as a huge issue.  

Hey, this is really working!  I’ve organized my thoughts way better by getting it all down on paper.  

Generally I need to do the following;
  1. I need to recognize and acknowledge my limitations.  
  2. Set myself up to succeed by making plans that work with said limitations.  
  3. Finally I need to push myself to gain self control and discipline.  This will allow me to do what I need to do to make myself better, make my life better.  

Specifically my immediate focus will be on;
  1. Finding an animal related organization that I can volunteer with.
  2. Getting a good handle on diabetes. Track it better!  Eat better!

I’m not sure if this thing I’m doing is really a blog, more like a journal but whatever it is I think this is really helping me stay on track, keep my mind focused on what I’m wanting to do and generally getting my thoughts organized to narrow that focus.  I doubt that anyone will ever read this but me because it would be awfully boring but as long as it helps me complete this Year of Tao quest then it’s well worth it.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Answer Received

Here I am, two weeks later and I believe that I have received at least a partial answer to the question of “what is my place and purpose”.  During the week of June 23-27 I was inundated with stories and images of animals (dogs) in distress caused by humans.  First I had a very vivid dream that I was at a convenience store and there was a couple there with two med sized dogs.  Out front of the store there was someone with an adorable little puppy; all fluffy and cute!  

The couple want this puppy but they already have the two other dogs and they don’t want three dogs.  Finally they decide to get rid of the two dogs they have so they can have the cute puppy.  As a bystander I was disgusted by this attitude but didn’t say anything to them and I went into the convenience store.  

As I was walking out the door I heard them tell their dogs, “You’re free now, go on” as they disconnected the leashes.  Both dogs turned immediately and started running thru the parking lot directly toward the busy street.  Without thinking I called to the dogs so they would come to me, which they did.  Then I turned on the couple standing there with their fluffy little puppy.  I told them that dogs are not disposable items that can be tossed aside when you see a cute puppy.  I asked them how they thought the dogs they released were going to find food and shelter.  I told them that they weren’t deserving of the honor of owning a dog. A dog will lay down it’s life for it’s human but they were going to just release them into the city to die a horrible death under the wheels of a car or from starvation.  

My dreams are usually not nearly so detailed and I rarely remember them with any kind of clarity so I felt that this dream had a significant message.  That same day firefighters were called to a trail above my city where a dog walker had two dogs collapse from the heat.  Temps were in the 90s and they had hiked 2-3 miles up this trail in little to no shade.  By the time the firefighters got there one of the dogs had already died but they were able to give the other one fluids and carry it down on a stretcher.  As far as I know this second dog lived.

There was also the story from AZ where the power had gone out overnight and 20 dogs died of the heat at a boarding facility.  They claim the dogs were fine at 11pm and were all dead by 5:30am.  IF the dogs had water and were in a well ventilated building I find this unlikely. People have lived in this area with no air conditioning for hundreds of years without dying so why would these dogs all die within a few short hours?  

The following day firefighters were called out to rescue a dog that neighbors had noticed on a 3rd floor balcony of an apartment.  Again, very hot temps and this Shepherd was in full sun and had been left out with NO WATER whatsoever.  The neighbors had tried to get the dog water but it was the 3rd floor.  The firefighters put up a ladder and got to the balcony.  They got the sliding door open and took the dog out thru the apartment on a stretcher to get it to an emergency vet.  The dog died overnight.

Elsewhere in the city someone left their dog in the car for 20 min while they went into a store.  People had called the police who broke the window to get the dog out.  

It was just one story after another all week combined with my dream which I now believe were God’s way of telling me that He wants me to help the animals.  The idea that came to me is that if we could educate people about the needs of domestic animals when they’re young perhaps they would carry that knowledge forward into adulthood and be better pet owners.  

I honestly believe that most of this abuse is not done by people who are out to torture and kill animals on purpose.  There are those of course but I think mostly these people are just uneducated people with no common sense to understand how their actions will cause pain and suffering to their pets.  Some don’t seem to fully grasp the concept that these are living creatures and not mearly some kind of object here solely for their pleasure.  

So I’m contacting the local humane society and rescue groups to see about getting involved with their efforts.  Once I get established with them I want to organize a program to visit elementary schools.  I’m thinking if I could talk to kids in 8th grade they would be young enough to still have that youthful enthusiasm for animals and still be old enough to remember this info thru out their life.  

I don’t think this is my only purpose or reason for being but I do believe that this is a way that I can affect change that will make a real difference in the world.  I believe that I was directed toward this by God in answer to my questioning and I’m thankful for this answer.  I shows me that He is paying attention and cares about my little quest to get in touch with my inner self and my purpose.  My tree is a tree of knowledge, offering shelter and protection to those who can’t speak for themselves.