Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Limitations and Focus

The other part of Cottlestone Pie that I need to work on is, "What are my limitations and how can I best work with them".  First I need to identify my limitations.  This requires clear insight to who I am and that’s a hard thing to really be sure I have.  I like to think I do but….?  So, here I go
  1. I am not a morning person.  I mean really, really not a morning person.
  2. I am selfish sometimes.  Not always, I have done a lot for others but I do have a selfish streak.  I won’t pretend it isn’t there.
  3. No follow thru.  I am a world champ at starting things and quitting within a short time.  I swear that this Year of Tao is going to be different.  
  4. Procrastination.  This goes along with #3. It runs in the family but I think I am the worst about it.  
  5. I am really bad at math.  Again, reallly, really bad at math.
  6. Weak impulse control.  If I can resist an impulse for a short time I can get past it but I’m not always good at resisting.  

I think these are my main faults/limitations.  Now, how can I work with them?  How can I make them work for me?  

  1. I have already worked my life around this somewhat by maneuvering myself into a job that I don’t have to be at till a bit later in the day.  I think I can work with it and maybe even make it work for me a bit by not planning things for early morning.  I think accepting the fact that 6am spinning classes are not going to happen and instead work with it by doing stuff in the evening instead.  
  2. I don’t think it’s possible to make selfishness work for me so how can I best work with it?  Maybe again, I need to recognize this and examine the things I do, the decisions I make for this selfishness and make sure that I’m not letting it rule me.
  3. For 3,4 & 6 I don’t really think there’s any working with it.  I need to exercise some self control and discipline to put a stop to it.  Of course for someone with follow thru & impulse control problems, as well as major procrastination issues this is easier said than done.  I have tried this before, many times.  Perhaps my study of the Tao this year will help me reach these goals.  
  4. Contrary to what they tell you in school, you don’t really need math that often in life.  I mean I can balance the checking account and such so I honestly don’t see this as a huge issue.  

Hey, this is really working!  I’ve organized my thoughts way better by getting it all down on paper.  

Generally I need to do the following;
  1. I need to recognize and acknowledge my limitations.  
  2. Set myself up to succeed by making plans that work with said limitations.  
  3. Finally I need to push myself to gain self control and discipline.  This will allow me to do what I need to do to make myself better, make my life better.  

Specifically my immediate focus will be on;
  1. Finding an animal related organization that I can volunteer with.
  2. Getting a good handle on diabetes. Track it better!  Eat better!

I’m not sure if this thing I’m doing is really a blog, more like a journal but whatever it is I think this is really helping me stay on track, keep my mind focused on what I’m wanting to do and generally getting my thoughts organized to narrow that focus.  I doubt that anyone will ever read this but me because it would be awfully boring but as long as it helps me complete this Year of Tao quest then it’s well worth it.

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